This week we discuss quitting our jobs to work at a factory, saving animals heroically, the movies vs the books and also… cheese!nTweet us @CastThePodsPC
Posted 7 years ago Tagged
ft Emma & James Barron! Traveling overseas via Uber, an epic vacuum cleaner battle, mountain meditation, and Twitch discussions!nFollow our guests on Twitter: @emmasatchel @dragoseraker
Posted 7 years ago Tagged
ft. Steve Welsh! This week we interview Christopher Walken*, debate Parmi or Parma, what happens when you mishear people, and Steve tells us a SPOOPY story!nFind Steve:*not actually him
Posted 7 years ago Tagged
ft MIGGIE! We discuss irrational fears, what animals think about humans, and Louna explains her worst Tinder date ever!
Posted 7 years ago Tagged
We visit a Doctor’s clinic for a consultation, Gladys & Leopold help you ‘save’ money, AND we celebrate Mothers’ Day!